dimecres, 17 de juliol del 2013

Interessant rumor!!!

Els nostres amics de BF4Central ens porten un interessant rumor per a tots els afeccionats a la saga Battlefield.

Rumor: DICE could increase Battlefield 4 player count to 70+

DICE is currently testing BF4 multiplayer with 70+ players.
Battlefield 4 multiplayer gameplayBattlefield 4 will officially support 66 players on PC and next gen platforms, which is 2 more than the previous game in the series (due to the addition of the new Battlefield 4 commander feature). But it could be a lot more, according to a new rumor.
DICE is said to be considering 70 or more players in Battlefield 4 multiplayer. This comes from the same source who accurately tipped us about the new Frostbite 3 game engine back in March. According to our source, multiplayer with 70 or more players is being tested, but it’s not certain what the results are so far.
There are two key reasons why 70 players could very well happen. For one, the new squad system has 5 payers per squad, which results in uneven squads with the current 32 players (6 squads would have 5 players, while the last squad would only have 2). Having 35 players would mean 7 squads of 5 players, with no players being left out.
The second reason is that adding +3 more players per team would face no technical hurdles, nor would multiplayer maps need any significant changes. DICE tested BF3 back in the day with 128 and even 256 players, but found that it just wasn’t “fun”. Some BF3 server owners also managed to hack game servers to support 128 players. Battlefield 4 with 128 payers would be overkill, but 70 players sounds very reasonable.
The Battlefield series has stuck with 64 players ever since the first game was released, over 10 years ago. With the arrival of next gen consoles, now would be the perfect time to increase the player size and really differentiate Battlefield 4 from its rivals (most of which support 64 players on PC).

dimarts, 16 de juliol del 2013

Benvinguts al lloc web del Clan Quatre Barres (4BRS)

Som un grup d'amics afeccionats a la saga Battlefield que volem compartir, divertir-nos i fer nous companys en el món d'aquest apassionant shooter!!!

Ens agradaria que tots els jugadors d'arreu dels Països Catalans poguéssim tenir un battlelog català com els companys d'altres països.

També dir que intentarem publicar les últimes novetats de la saga i mantenir-vos informats puntualment dels reptes i/ó competicions que realitzi el nostre clan.

Sapigueu també que podeu formar part del clan si ho desitgeu, no demanem cap tipus de nivell ni experiència, només bon rotllo i estar disposats a passar una bona estona entre amics.

Utilitzem raid call per comunicar-nos entre els membres del clan, podeu sol·licitar el codi d'accés a qualsevol membre d'aquest.

No es discrimina ningú per raó de llengua i/ó procedència, tot i que el clan està destinat a gent catalanoparlant d'arreu dels Països Catalans.

Si teniu ganes de fer amics, us agrada la nostre filosofia i voleu formar part del clan sigueu benvinguts!!!

Ens veiem al camp de batalla!!!